First Ever THC/CBD Calculator Created for Cannabis Culinary Use
feature image courtesy Jeffthe420chef
[headline]Celebrity cannabis chef launches THC/CBD Calculator to help medical marijuana patients and recreational enthusaists determine the dosage of home made cannabis infused edibles[/headline]
JeffThe420Chef has teamed up with Medspoon and CW Analytical to create the first ever THC/CBD Calculator. The calculator uses a simple interface allowing any aspiring cannabis cook to better approximate dose per serving, while only requiring a few key inputs. Starting today, the calculator, now in Beta mode, is available exclusively on JeffThe420Chef.com. The calculator is slated for release as an app for iPhone, iPad and Android in early 2016.
Financed in part by MedSpoon.com and CW Analytical, the THC/CBD Calculator was created by JeffThe420Chef and app developer, Dan Nascimbeni, a former culinary student of JeffThe420Chef who has been bringing technical solutions to the financial, medical, andecommerce industries for over a decade. The calculator, built around JeffThe420Chef’s proprietary dosing formula, is designed to help anyone cooking or baking with cannabis figure out approximately how many milligrams of THC and/or CBD are in their edibles.
“MedSpoon.com is happy to have teamed up with Jeffthe420Chef to address a major issue in cannabis cooking, dosage. By creating this lab tested THC calculator, any aspiring cannabis cook can better understand the dosage of their infused-food while encouraging best practice in extraction and infusion.”
“Cooking and baking with cannabis is a science as much as it is an art, and it’s imperative that folks understand the potency of their edibles in order to insure an enjoyable experience for everyone”, says JeffThe420Chef. “We are excited to offer this very important tool to help folks quickly figure out how potent their home made edibles are”. For the most accurate results, JeffThe420Chef suggests that cooks follow his process for making “light tasting”cannabutter and cannaoil which can be found on his website, JeffThe420Chef.com.
“Medspoon.com is happy to have teamed up with Jeffthe420Chef to address a major issue in cannabis cooking, dosage”, states Victor Cloud, CEO and Founder at Medspoon, “by creating this lab tested THC calculator, any aspiring cannabis cook can better understand the dosage of their infused-food while encouraging best practice in extraction and infusion.”
Emily Richardson, director at CW Analytical says “CW Analytical strongly believes that patients deserve the freedom to produce their own cannabis-based medicine. At the same time, it is vital that patients and their health providers have access to potency data needed for proper dosing. Tools like this calculator give patients a road map, allowing them to more easily create and effectively manage homemade cannabis medicines.”
About JeffThe420Chef:
Dubbed “The Julia Child of Weed” by The Daily Beast, “The GanjaGourmet” by Newsweek and “The King of Edibles” by Elite Daily, JeffThe420Chef is a private chef who has been cooking and baking with cannabis since 2007. In 2014, he invented a method which effectively neutralizes the “cannabis” taste in his butters and oils. Known for his “tasteless” and “light tasting” cannabis infused gourmet meals and edibles, JeffThe420Chef and his recipes have been featured on television, radio and on numerous websites and blogs. His upcoming cookbook, The Ganja Gourmet: The Joy of Cooking with Cannabis (Harper Wave) will hit bookstores June 28th.
About Medspoon:
MedSpoon.com is a community of cannabis cooking enthusiasts. Our education-focused site teaches people the basics of cannabis cooking, inspires with clever cannabis-infused creations, and encourages community members to share their own incredible edibles.
About CW Analytical:
CW Analytical was founded in 2009, and our mission is to assist cultivators, edible/ concentrate producers, and dispensaries in producing safe, clean medicine for patients in California. Through education, community outreach, and quality assurance testing, we are proud to help make a difference in our medical Cannabis community.