Marijuana vs Cannabis: Pot-Related Terms to Use and Words We Should Lose
Cannabis is not only a plant; it is also an elegant botanical compound. Cannabinoids are naturally occurring compounds in the cannabis plant with many beneficial therapeutic applications. The cannabis plant is also the source of fiber and seeds that have tremendous economic value as raw materials for industrial use, food and personal health products.
Few, if any, readers would disagree with that statement—though many would elaborate on these claims in different ways, emphasizing one or another of the qualities and characteristics of the cannabis plant and its value to themselves and society.
Society is beginning to understand and appreciate the cannabis plant after a long period of misunderstanding and confusion, a period generally referred to as prohibition and characterized by general and purposeful hysteria. This period is also characterized by a great deal of misinformation, including misinformation about the name of the plant itself. In this insightful article, published courtesy of High Times, Jon Gettman, explores the differences and guides us to a more informed viewpoint.