Cannabis Cures Cancer By Making Bad Cells “Commit Suicide”
By Sophie McAdams
In case you were wondering how THC is so unbelievably good at killing malignant cells, the woman who first noticed the phenomenon explains how it works.
Spanish scientist Cristina Sanchez was the first to discover the medicinal properties of marijuana in the fight against cancer. In this fascinating interview by Cannabis Planet, she explains the plant’s therapeutic properties.
Sanchez discovered them by accident, noticing in a different experiment that the THC “was killing the [cancer] cells in the petri dishes.” Not only that, she says, but THC was “specifically targeting tumor cells…They did not have any effect on normal, non-tumor cells. As if that weren’t incredible enough, Sanchez adds that such is the power of marijuana’s anti-cancerous properties, the killer cells even started“committing suicide” when THC was present.
Marijuana‘s other main compound is Cannabidiol. This is not psychoactive, but does protect the brain from stress and damage. Cannabidiol also kills cancer cells, and makes THC all the more potent. As Sanchez explains: “The endocannabinoid system regulates appetite, food intake, reproduction, and many other functions. That’s why the plant has such a wide therapeutic properties.”
Sanchez has confirmed that marijuana can be used as a treatment against breast cancer, and her initial research has been backed up by further testing.
This article originally appeared on TrueActivist.com on May 16th 2015.